Vinmonopolet’s Human Rights Policy

This policy sets out Vinmonopolet’s commitment to human rights and the principles we expect our employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners to adhere to.


Vinmonopolet will conduct our business consistently with the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Vinmonopolet respect all international recognized human rights, including those set out in the International Bill of Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We will avoid infringing on the human rights of others and endeavor to appropriately address adverse human rights impact with which we are involved, or that are directly linked with our operations, products or services via the supply chain or business partners. We will be particularly attentive to the human rights we are at risk of impacting most and to the people most vulnerable to adverse impact in our supply chain, including woman, seasonal- and migrant workers.

How we work

  • We require all our employees and hired contractors to comply with this policy and will offer capacity building to this end.
  • We expect our suppliers and business partners to follow this policy and share our commitment to respect all internationally recognized human rights, including those specifically referred above.
  • Vinmonopolet is member of amfori BSCI and signatory to the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. The code gives a direction to Vinmonopolet and our supply chain in order to conduct responsible business and to exercise human rights due diligence in line with internationally recognized principles.
  • We expect all our suppliers and business partners to pay particular attention to the human rights they are at risk of impacting most and to the human rights of people most vulnerable to adverse impact, including women, seasonal- and migrant workers.
  • We will strive to identify and assess actual and potential adverse impacts on human rights and decent working conditions that we have caused or contributed to, or that are directly linked with products and services from our supply chain or business partners.
  • We will provide, cooperate, or strive to exercise influence, including with our suppliers and business partners, to implement suitable measures to cease, prevent or mitigate adverse impacts on human rights and decent working conditions.
  • We will emphasize to involve and communicate with affected stakeholders and rights-holders regarding how adverse impacts are addressed and how to provide appropriate remediation.
  • We aim to provide or cooperate in effective grievance mechanisms and require similarly from our suppliers and business partners.
  • We will seek to influence the alcohol beverage industry towards responsible and sustainable development through cooperation with the other Nordic alcohol monopolies in Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands and we aim to support our business partners and suppliers with capacity building programs to prevent adverse impact on our most salient human rights risks.
  • We aim to be transparent regarding actual adverse impacts and significant risks of adverse impacts we have identified and share information regarding measures we have implemented or plan to implement to cease actual adverse impacts or mitigate significant risks of adverse impacts.
  • We will assess the effectiveness of our performance and transparently report on the result or expected result of our measures.