Our product ranges and procurement process

Vinmonopolet offers close to 35 000 products from 100 countries.

Flasker på rekke og rad.

Vinmonopolet has around 350 stores, which vary their selection depending on the local market. However, the customer have access to all our products online or by ordering in store. All products are imported through wholesalers, about 500 in total.

Our procurement process for the basic and one lot ranges

Vinmonopolet publishes tender plans twice a year based on seasonal demand, trends and changes in our sales. Wholesalers can enter bids through our supplier portal. Submitted offers must comply with specified deadlines and procedures.

All approved offers are tested by Vinmonopolet’s sensory testing laboratory, where a panel of experts objectively and independently assess the product quality and whether the product is in accordance with the product requirements in the bid. Purchasing decisions are based on price, sensory quality and ability to deliver.

Store categories and specialist shops

Our stores are divided into six categories, based on anticipated sales the coming year. Category 1 stores have a rather limited selection, while category 6 can offer a wider selection. Each store has a fixed selection and a local selection chosen based on local demand. The local selection can include products from all six product ranges.

Some shops have an expanded selection of products from the special range, as well as highly trained staff within the different categories.

See the list of specialty shops for wine, beer and spirits (in Norwegian)

Six product ranges

How long can a product remain on sale?

Vinmonopolet uses a ranking system based on the number of litres sold to decide which products it may want to retain in its basic range after the initial guaranteed period.

The ranking system is based on product groups, which are in turn subdivided into price segments. For each price segment, Vinmonopolet decides the number of products that it ideally wants to stock. Rankings are updated every month based on sales over the past six months, with products being discontinued every two months based on those rankings.

Products in the additional range are not covered by the ranking system. For a product to remain in the Vinmonopolet range, at least one sale must have been registered.


Prices are stated in NOK DDP (Delivery Duty Paid). This means that the individual wholesaler is liable for all of the risks and costs associated with transporting the products to the designated place at the individual shop’s warehouse, including customs clearance, excise duties, taxes, VAT and any other charges.

Vinmonopolet is completely transparent in how it calculates mark-ups and retail prices. Vinmonopolet’s calculation is based on the principle that each product should cover its own costs, as well as giving Vinmonopolet a reasonable profit.

The mark-up applied by Vinmonopolet is a fixed rate of NOK 8.90 per litre, plus 22 percent of the purchase price excluding taxes and duties. The percentage mark-up gradually falls for products whose purchase price excluding taxes and duties is over NOK 80, and the total mark-up is never more than NOK 110 per unit.