Decent work for all
Vinmonopolet works systematically to ensure decent working conditions and human rights in our value chain.

Our ambition is the absence of human rights violations at all stages of our supply chain and working conditions that are in line with the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Vinmonopolet has approximately 35,000 products available from suppliers and sub-suppliers in around 100 countries. Purchases are made through approximately 650 Norwegian wholesalers.
Read our Human Right's Policy

Nordic cooperation
To achieve greater leverage opportunities, Vinmonopolet has a formal collaboration with the alcohol monopolies in Sweden, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Together, we constitute one of the world's largest buyers of alcoholic beverages and our cooperation provides efficiency gains and increases our overall impact on the industry.
All the Nordic monopolies are members of the organisation Amfori BSCI, having the same Code og conduct. We also collaborate on risk assessment and follow-up measures in the supply chain and have created a joint Nordic roadmap for human rights in our supply chain.
Learn aboutThe Nordic roadmaps for climate and environment, and for human rights in our supply chain

Code of Conduct
Vinmonopolet and the other Nordic monopolies use the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct to require that basic human rights and international standards for working conditions are followed throughout our value chain. Our Code of Conduct forms part of Vinmonopolet’s general purchasing conditions and requires all actors to take responsibility. Our suppliers - Norwegian wholesale companies - are the ones with whom Vinmonopolet has direct agreements. The wholesalers in turn must ensure that their suppliers and sub-suppliers comply with our requirements.
Learn aboutThe requirements in our Code of Conduct

Due diligence assessments
We carry out due diligence assessments to map actual violations of human rights and working conditions and assess where the risk of violations is greatest. We take measures to stop, prevent or limit unacceptable working conditions. Our due diligence assessments are carried out in line with the requirements of the Norwegian Transparency Act and OECD guidelines.
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